The National Association of Muslim Americans on Scouting (NAMAS) is proud to present the Ramadan Quest program. This is a new program so your feedback is most welcome as we work to enhance. The patch you see to the right is to give you an idea of what you can do. The idea is that each year a Scout would get just the year rocker they participated and the rank they obtained that year, while keeping the central patch. We will provide updates to the program throughout Ramadan and will also accept feedback through our Facebook group.

Ramadan Quest Rules:
- All scouts (Cub – Boy – Girl) can participate in the Ramadan Quest
- Any scout participating will receive a Ramadan Mubarak Patch.
- Scouts can participate even while traveling overseas, just record your progress and send it to their Scout leader by the end of the blessed month.
- Scout leaders can purchase the patches from the NAMAS store.
- All patches ordered will be pre-ordered and shipped after Ramadan.
Ramadan Quest Scoring:
The Ramadan Quest officials are the parents, and they get to mark for their scouts throughout the month. There are 5 areas to compete in:
- Daily prayers
- 5 points for every prayer completed in Jama’a at the Masjid.
- 2 points for every prayer completed in Jama’a at home.
- 1 point for every prayer completed alone at home on time.
- Fasting
- 15 points for every day a scout fasts fully till Maghrib
- 5 points for every day a scout fasts partially
- Reading Qur’an
- 1 point for every verse a scout reads
- Praying Tarawih
- 2 points for every two raka’ahs prayed in Jama’a.
- 1 point for every two raka’ahs prayed alone at home.
- Doing a Good Turn
- 1 point for every Good Turn.
- Good Turn examples:
- Helping at Home
- Helping Friends
- Charity
Download the Ramadan Scoresheet here.
Ramadan Quest Awards & Ranks:
Any participant that completes the following in the same day of Ramadan will receive the Ramadan Mubarak Patch:
- Complete all Five prayers on time
- Fast for 1 full day
- Read 1 page of the Qur’an
- Pray 8 raka’ahs of Tarawih
- Do a Good Turn
Rank Requirements
- STRONG – To achieve the rank of STRONG, the participant needs to:complete the requirements above for 7 days of Ramadan.
- STURDY – To achieve the rank of STURDY, the participant needs to:complete the requirements above for 15 days of Ramadan.
- STOUT – To achieve the rank of STOUT, the participant needs to:complete the requirements above for 23 days of Ramadan.
- SOLID – To achieve the rank of SOLID, the participant needs to:complete the requirements above for the FULL MONTH of Ramadan.
- STEADY – To achieve the rank of STEADY, the participant needs to:complete the requirements above for the FULL MONTH of Ramadan + 6 days of Shawwal
- STAR – To achieve the rank of STAR, the participant needs to:complete the requirements above for the FULL MONTH of Ramadan + 6 days of Shawwal + Day of Arafa + 9th & 10th of Muharram