If you would like to become a member of the Scoutmaster Corps to help make a difference in your Troop, here is an opportunity to learn how to do so. Training on how to become a Scoutmaster or an Assistant Scoutmaster is being offered in person by the Patriot Distict. […]
National Capital Area
The National Capital Area Council Hornaday Committee is hosting the BSA National William T Hornaday Adviser Course at Camp William B. Snyder on May 5 and 6, 2018. The course will begin at 8:00 a.m. with check in available at 7:30 on May 5th. The class will last until 6pm […]
Pack 5404 Presents Cub Scout Islamic Religious Emblem Workshop: The Bismillah Medal What: The workshop will cover all activities prescribed by the National Islamic Committee on Scouting as requirement for the emblem, except for the regular attendance of the mosque and prayer service, which is the individual responsibility of the Scout’s family. […]
It’s a Raid! CAMP SNYDER MAINTENANCE RAID, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 2018 Hey, folks, we have a project that can’t wait for our regularly-scheduled monthly service days. Some of the Camp Snyder tent platforms have been damaged since last summer. We need to get them in shape so that tents can be […]
Scout Leaders of the National Capital Area Council, Towards the effort of promoting Messengers of Peace, I have worked to help facilitate this event. Please see attached flyer for the “Summit of Greater Washington Imams, Rabbis and Community Leaders” which will be held on December 3rd (1-5pm) at the Islamic […]
Is your leadership training being done by the book, but your leaders are struggling? Have your Scouts completed leadership training but have difficulty leading? Are your graduates of NAYLE not the ones your Scouts look to as a leader? Are members of your unit disengaged, not attending to what’s going […]
The National Capital Area Council Islamic Committee on Scouting in association with NAMAS is providing training for Scout Leaders (of all faiths) for the following courses November 12th-13th. Leaders who complete these courses will be provided a trained certificate and patch to provide to their Unit/District Training Chairs. Individuals interested may […]
Trauma-Rama actors of all ages needed for disaster drill on Saturday, October 29th, 2016. Great opportunity for youth, boys and girls ages 14+ needing community service hours. This is being organized as a National Capital Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, Joint District Event at Camp William B. Snyder. Sign […]
The Young Leaders Institute, if offering a youth leadership training forum that will take place on Saturday, June 4th at Dar Al-Hijrah. They will have special guests from the White House, State Dept and USIP who will share their leadership experiences with the students as well as coach them on how […]
The National Capital Area Council Islamic and Jewish Committees on Scouting are hosting a camporee this Memorial Day Weekend. We have held this event now several years in a row. It has proven to be a very fun event filled with opportunity to have fun with the family and to […]