In the spirit of continuing building partnerships, NAMAS leadership was contacted recently to engage in a unique opportunity: Helping build 3D printed Hands. The result of the exploratory meetings and events resulted in a honorable mention in a recent article posted to the e-Nabling the Future website entitled “Hands Across Borders – Scout Troops Make 3D Printed Hands“
The opportunity is continuing developing and after continued dialogue, we are looking to expand our partnership efforts. There are several events coming up in the near future:
December 7, 2014, Sunday at St. Louis Parish in Clasksville, MD from 1-4 PM – e-NABLE Staff/Leadership Development Meeting
This meeting is for older youth (14 and older Scouts) to come and participate in a Staff Development in preparation for the build on December 13, 3014. The event will be held at St. Louis Parish in Clarksville, MD.Interested participants are asked to register in advance for additional information and coordination.
December 13, 2014, Saturday, at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Miller Research Building from 12 – 4 PM – e-NABLE Build
Please put this on your calendars, and confirm that you can help with this activity. Set up will be at 11 AM. There is a closing ceremony for thank you’s and recognitions to guests, particularly local recipients of hands that accepted e-NABLE’s invitation to participate, presentation of hands. Group photo/after picture.
This is going to be a special event. Please be there. You’ve all been very important to this project and promoted this cause with enthusiasm. We should celebrate together at the end of the workshop! Interested participants are asked to register in advance for additional information and coordination.